Japanese Review ‘Startrip Music Magazine’ – Sooner or Later EP
Japanese Review ‘Startrip Music Magazine’ by Hiroyuki Mori
English translation below
Hurricane#1のベーシストの他、故郷リバプールでThe Sums(元SmallerのPeter “Digsy” Deary率いるバンド。Noel Gallagherとは長年の親友で、Oasisの’Digsy’s Dinner’は彼のことを書いた曲)のメンバーとしても活動中のChris Mullin、新作は4曲入りのEP。前作 “Myself Fooling Me” は、どちらかというとシンガー/ソングライターの作品という印象で、アコースティック・ギターやピアノを軸にしたサウンドが展開されていたが、今作は、より “バンド” らしさを感じるサウンド。最盛期を肌で知るChrisらしく、成熟したブリットポップといった趣。その中でもひときわ輝いているのが、Track-2 ‘Just Want You To Know’ と、Track-4 ‘Sooner or Later’。’Just〜’のパーカッシブでエッジの効いたアコースティックギターとディストーショナルなエレキギターとの対照的なサウンドが織り成すサウンドの見事さは、Chris Mullinというアーティストの鍵になるというか肝になるというか、(特にサウンド面において)アイデンティティーへと繋がる重要な可能性を秘めた楽曲だと思う。凡百のバンド/アーティストとは一線を画すアーティストだってことを証明できるかというね。そして、トラッド色濃い’Sooner〜’は、ソングライターとしての力量を感じるには十分すぎる良曲。
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English Translation
Hurricane # 1 other bassist, in his hometown Liverpool The Sums (original Smaller of Peter “Digsy” Deary and led by band – Noel Gallagher in the many years of close friend, Oasis of ‘Digsy’s Dinner’ was the song that wrote about him) of in is also active as a member Chris Mullin , new releases of 4 songs EP. Previous work “Myself Fooling Me” is the impression that a rather singer / songwriter of the work, but the sound was an acoustic guitar and piano to the axis has been expanded, now it works is, feel more “band” likeness sound. Rashiku Chris to know the golden age in the skin, flavor, such as mature Brit pop. What exceptionally shining Among them is, Track-2 ‘Just Want You To Know’ and, Track-4 ‘Sooner Or Later’ . Splendor of contrasting sound weave sound of the acoustic guitar and the distorter relational an electric guitar edgy in the percussive of ‘Just~’, or rather made on whether the liver say that the key to artist called Chris Mullin, ( I think that it is especially music with hidden significant potential to lead to) identity in sound surface. It says that you can prove it ‘s artists to draw the line and many kinds of band / artist. Then, trad distinctively ‘Sooner~’ is too enough to feel competent as a songwriter Yokyoku.
According to the rumor, the next work more and more things with the release of the full album. Expect a further evolution of the glimpse was direction in the work now!
According to the rumor, the next work more and more things with the release of the full album. Expect a further evolution of the glimpse was direction in the work now!